Sunday, January 16, 2011



Davie parents has passed away.They was leave their son,Davie a letter.In that letter,his father start him off to the house of Shaw's,not far from Cramond,the place that his boy should return.Davie take a decision to go to the place with Alan.At last,Davie has meet the lawyer,Mr Thomson.The lawyer has advised him to choose the safe and shameful.The lawyer has give him two letters.After that,Davie and Alan are leaving each other.Davie take a decision to go to British Linen Company's Bank.

New words:-


meaning : a small bird that is hunted and shot for food and sport,or the flesh of this bird
example : The good woman set outbreak before me and a cold grouse,patting my shoulder and smiling to me all the time


meaning : a feeling of doubt or fear about what might happen or about weather something is right)
example : I began to have a strong misgiving


meaning : formal showing that you hate someone
example : The woman's face lit up with a malignant anger


This is second novel that we'll read, its quite bord because the flow of the story is very hard to understand. However, it contain some moral value that we can obtain when we read this novel.One of the moral value is the show of loving between a father and his son, the father still remember his son although the son never look after him.

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